Drive in Open Screen - Mix 2

I'm very excited to have my work A Dance For Maggie screened at the Taos Center for the Arts as part of their Drive In Series! To learn more about the series check out their website:
Date: October 09
Time 7:15pm - 9:15pm
From the Taos Center for the Arts Website:
Come see what creators have for the drive-in screen! Documentary, short films, experimental work, projection art, music videos and more. Two distinct programs, both with a great mix of work. 31 different projects by 31 makers. If you haven’t been to the drive-in, this is a fun way to try it out.
Mix 2 (Saturday)
Mira Betz | On Being (poetry, experimental)
Paul Brevard | De Vargas Street (animation)
Danila Cervantes | Triste Alegría (animation)
Johanna DeBiase | Threadbare (poetry)
Sarah Knudtson | A Dance for Maggie (experimental)
Andrew Pollack |Oleander (short film)
Justin C Rhody | Media Mail I (projection art)
Wendy Shuey | Life of Lizzie Gertrude Wyant Wood, 112 years (documentary)
David Silva | Sun Up (short, experimental)
Ayshia Taskin | Visions from Al-Ashiya (animation)
Peter Walker | Snow Dream (short film)
Kendrick Whiteman Jr | Nightmare (short film)
Society Burning | Vox Populi (music video)
Taos Children's Theatre | Jason and the Argonauts Preview (short film)
Jordan Wax (with Lone Piñon) | La Julia (music video)